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Good Morning Matt. Thanking you once again for this insight regarding mentoring long distance. You made me realize that people I have never met face to face on Facebook, who I have become close to each other as true sisters in Christ is a blessing. Simply offering a prayer to and for unknown people, which I do on Facebook, have given me 2 very special Sisters in Christ. One day we will meet face to face in heaven.

I must admit it takes extra time to mentor on line, not knowing every detail at the time of the writing, but those I write to have certainly shared their great need of prayer. They have mentioned things that I have been asked to "walk through" with our Lord and I share my lowest moments and ups and downs in my life, with them.

So, thank YOU so very much for this wonderful blessing to be encouraged in every way to become a mentor. Asking our Lord to continue to use you as we grow closer to each other on our walk heaven ward with our Savior, Jesus Christ. In His Grace, Ann Tolly

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