What a surprise to sit together and listen to our time with you as you interviewed us. Both of us feel very honored and blessed to do this for our Ascended Lord Jesus. We just prayed again for the both of you. When do you make your big move to your new people prepared for you to meet by our gracious Lord Himself? Thank you both again for asking us to share. We love you both so dearly... and yes, we both are mentoring new people in our church , plus some new people that have not joined our church yet. What excitement and JOY it is to be given these golden opportunities to share the love of Jesus Christ. Lowell and I , we "adopt" people and they just become a part of our family. :) Just like both of you are to us. Love, Ann & Lowell Tolly

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That was a beautiful conversation! Thank YOU for sharing your wisdom, insights, and genuine compassion for the Body of Christ. We are blessed to call you mentors and family in Christ! Your excitement and joy for sharing Christ's love is contagious! May God bless you as you continue to shine for Him!

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