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Good morning dear Matt. Your e-mail blessed me. I had never ever thought of "with skin on" when it comes to Jesus, however, how true.. we want to FEEL...SEE Him. Thankfully our Lord has made it very clear to me many times in my 88 years that HE IS THERE BY MY SIDE... when our first baby born 5 LONG LONG years into our marriage.. on the way to my room on the cart - I FELT HIM take my hand and walk with me!! Then, when my husband Del died and I was in Africa seeing Susan & Paul Nitz.. my daughter (who you so lovingly know) I flew home alone with no known human , but as left Malawi , SOMEONE hugged me around my shoulders 3 times. I had been crying and turned to say "thank you, but there was an empty seat!!!! Again, it WAS THE LORD HIMSELF that showed me He was there. O have other stories to KNOW that HE IS RIGHT HERE. Thank you again and again to both you and Christine sharing the precious word and giving us much to ponder on and share. Continued prayers for both of you as you settle in. We love you both. Love,

Ann & Lowell Tolly

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