It seems that wholeheartedness is the opposite of Adam and Eve's behavior after the Fall. They hid, lied, and covered up. They withdrew their hearts from God out of shame. Because of Christ, we can approach God without fear. There's no need for image management. Christ covers our nakedness with his blood. So we can, "boldly approach the throne of mercy, when we need it the most." Nothing hidden. Nothing held back. Wholehearted.
Love it! thank you. I spent a chapter on Adam and Eve's cover up in my book "God Loves Nobodies". You are right on! The only way we can become wholehearted and face God without fear is by being covered in Christ, as Adam and Eve were covered by the skins of a sacrificed animal.
It seems that wholeheartedness is the opposite of Adam and Eve's behavior after the Fall. They hid, lied, and covered up. They withdrew their hearts from God out of shame. Because of Christ, we can approach God without fear. There's no need for image management. Christ covers our nakedness with his blood. So we can, "boldly approach the throne of mercy, when we need it the most." Nothing hidden. Nothing held back. Wholehearted.
Love it! thank you. I spent a chapter on Adam and Eve's cover up in my book "God Loves Nobodies". You are right on! The only way we can become wholehearted and face God without fear is by being covered in Christ, as Adam and Eve were covered by the skins of a sacrificed animal.